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Sunday 15 May 2011


finally...  macam x percaya aq buat blog .... kan??
seriously i dont prefer to write and share things to strangers..
its just like u let ppl to read and judge who u are...
even on fb pun i dont quite share things i do...
mesti orang yang baca skrg cakap .. lar mcm bagus
*(walaupun aku tau xde org yg baca lol)
bukan ape... compare org yg share every single things in their life..
even nak berak pun update jugak..
mmg budget syahdu jer baca update mcm ni..
dont u think its quite annoying...
macam macam lar...
ade yang jenis suka berdrama ...
sometime small things can seem so much bigger..
sometime non existence things also can exist..
drama ppl = jerkkk...
never trust what u read...

hahaha see !!! now mest korg tgh baca aku ni jenis org mcm mana..
i really care what ppl think of me seriously....
tapi xde lar sampai x tido malam.. x de selera makan..
why should i care ???
through that u can muhasabah ur self...
ape aku punye salah.. betul ker ape aku buat...
we as a human being cant run away from weakness and mistake..

btw aku mcm x caya jer aq bleh type mcm ni... hehehe
nilar akibat kebosanan yg extreme..
gile bahagia sem break sampai lepas raya
mahu mati kegemukan aq kat rumah x de buat ape
at the moment x terfikir lg nak keje... (gile pemalas kan?? )
due to clash dgn survey camp bulan 6 ni...
aku decide lepas survey camp baru nak fikir...
roughly i can say this would be the new thing for me..
so dont bother to comment about the layout and the design..
im totally noob and dont have idea about it..
slow2 kayuh yer mak cik....


  1. good starter!

  2. tahniahla sebab dah melahirkan sebuah belog =)

    keep blogging ya..

  3. hahah thanks.. suke2 jer ni.. tupun tgk ko nyer blog ... mcm best jer saje nk try2... serious aq noob gile kowt part2 nak design .. nnt baru nak menuntut ngan cik yuz hehehe

  4. welcome to blogging world.....

    keep it up!!!!! dun never say give up!!!!!


  5. hehehe....pandai no cheq tulis kat ats tue..Nway..keep it up! its a good try..;p
