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Sunday 28 August 2011

Happy Merdekaraya!!!

Assalamualaikum… Finally after a month of fasting , all muslims will be celebrating hari raya.
Hopefully what we have done in fasting month will continue to the incoming month insyallah.
Here I would like to wish all the muslims, family, members and client Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf  Zahir Batin
if have any wrong doing , anything hurt or harsh words  I may have done to everyone.
We are only human that  prone to making mistakes.
To those who’s driving back to hometown , please drive carefully,think of the love one and have a safe journey.
Hari Raya is a day for us to forgive each other and forget our differences, and that makes our lives more meaningful.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Nenek Mati LOL!!..Manipulation of News...

Situasi sebenar : Seorang nenek pegi kedai beli ubi, tiba-tiba dilanggar beca lalu mati di tempat kejadian. 

Buletin Utama - "Nenek meninggal dunia, pemandu beca dicari." 

Harian Metro - "Hangat! Nenek mati dengan ubi di tangan." 

Utusan Malaysia - "Nenek mati dilanggar beca satu propaganda pembangkang?" 

Harakah - "Kami tiada beca." 

Malaysiakini - "Beca langgar lari bukti kerajaan makan rasuah." 

Twitter @NajibRazak - "Nenek sanggup mati kerana ubi, menunjukkan ubi 1Malaysia berkualiti dan digemari rakyat!" 

Blog Melayu paranoid - "Keraguan sijil halal ubi mungkin punca nenek mati dilanggar beca." 

Ibrahim Ali - "Sampai bila kita nak tengok nenek-nenek Melayu mati dilanggar beca akibat ubi orang Cina dan India? Melayu perlu bangun menentang!" 

Pancaindera - "Kisah nenek dilanggar beca diabadikan dalam filem terbaru David Teo, Beca Gangster." 

Mastika - "Misteri penarik beca: temubual eksklusif dengan hantu ubi." 

Samy Vellu - "Beca tak bayar tol dicari." 


Saturday 6 August 2011

Thanks thephotolicious!!!!!!

When I was at Melaka..
Following my survey camp
I did a big decision in my life..
That I have thought about it over a few months..
The decision that will change my life...
Many have asked and those who din ask
will come out with their own perception
nothings goes wrong here..
don’t spread anything bad..
I juz feel its time to change the wind..
Seriously I love the photolicious family…
And when I said it , I really mean it..
TPL had brought me out from nothing in photography
From crawling until able to walk alone
I always said I was too lucky  started with the photolicious..
Lucky knowing everyone in TPL.

And as the time move on,
My  maturity in photography walk together
I have challenge myself to take the risk.
Anyway Im still young in this photography,
A lot of space to be improve.

Thanks to TPL for giving me the opportunity and guidance.
Thanks for accepting my weakness and my mistakes
Throughout my work days,
I couldn’t think of how to pay back  TPL deeds…
Especially to my teachers
kamalia kamal, rashidah ahmad, izan akir, and helmi parham
thanks again,
I’ll miss everything we shared and go through together before,
I will miss to wearing baju papan tanda hehe,
I will miss to shoot and guling2 together,
I will miss to membahan and laughing together
sorry for anything hurt
indeed, good things comes from  Allah
and the bad comes form humans.


Survey Camp 2011... @ UiTM Melaka

YEEAAAHHHAAA  , congratz to myself and all my collegues , survey camp 2 is OVER..
for my self it is the best survey camp compared to last year
and not too over if im telling you its more on leisure and exciting activity eventhough most of our work days under the sun.
 It was held at UITM Melaka.
Hopefully next survey camp will be at the same place.
Melaka is popular with their delicious food.
Assam pedas..
Nasi lemak….
Coconut shake
Ofcoz for ppl like me.. it will cause syahdu phenomena..
Wakaka.. I never had a chance to eat peacefully..
Its juz like u finish the marathon then u have ur meal..
Sweating like hell…

One of the faboulous thingy u can have there is roaming around melaka town

Errkk TESCO??
mmg x lar kan.. 

Anyway jonker walk is awesome…
For  me lar
 and its only open on Friday and weekends..
Its nearly like petaling street but the surrounding is more classical
Compared to petaling street nowdays that full  with LANGSI BANGLA ...

 Ok back to why we are here…
Actually this camp is not saje2 and beronok as what u guys feel.
It is to complete our credit hour..
Devide by two module
Engineering and hydrography.
We gain a lot of input as a lot of sun rays burning our skin
Thanks to Dr rosmadi and Prof Zamani for the guidance
during the survey camp

for more photo's


Assalamualaikum and salam ramadhan… 
its been 2 months I didn’t update anything in this blog..
Insyallah starting from now I will update what I have done in this 2 months.
So many stories ,
Sad and happy, 
starting and ending. 
Anyway that is all left behind 
and will always be a part of me, 
a part of my life history. 
Here I wanna give a respectness to all the bloggers that always update their blog, 
Im not that hard working and a pure blogger  type that update everyday, and as fast as it can. 

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Sedu's Day... "KENTUT" can help it ... =D

What a day!!!!!
its not a common hiccup that i usually get...
its getting worst until it distracted my activity especially sleeping time hehe
usually it will disappear within a few minutes..
but mine takes few hours to stop..

it comes at 2 in the morning and i cant sleep at all
and it stop for awhile then continue back..
until 7 am and then that only i can sleep tight lah sangat..
in my dream i hope the sedu will totaly disappear...
the hiccup back to continue the disaster..
totally annoying
then i try to search few methods in google
and i found it..

Breathe repeatedly into a paper bag.
Drink a glass of cold water.
Eat a teaspoon of sugar.
Hold your breath.
Tell yourself "I'm not going to hiccup again."
Swallow air.
Sing loud and with heart.
Induce a cough or sneeze.
Scream for as long as you can.

 WHAT?? FARTT!!!! 
and know what.. all those tips i have try
except the fart one hahaha..
it totally dont work at all..

and now what i can do is
and let it disappear naturally..

Monday 16 May 2011

Bye Bye D300

finally... a bit sad to let go my d300...
a lot of memories with my d300 ..
and at the end it was just an item...
this is my second body i let go..
the first one is d80.. quite impressive performence especially when u go outdoors..
even if I'm not mistaken kuku besi also still use it...
for your info my d80, quite a sometime ago has been dropped into the ocean...
it happened when i was on my wedding job at kemasik terengganu..
u guys can imagine how i feel at that moment ..
as all knows salt water and sea spray can cause  damage to your camera
lucky ,it was attach with a cheap lense 50mm..
at that time what i do is just wipe the water..
and clear all the sand that stick on the body like prawn coated flour,
in my mind at that time...there's alot of the wedding picture's inside
and im still not recovering it yet...will i lose all the photo inside..
how to answer when all the wedding photo's lost like that..
summore where to find money to fix it...
all these questions swirling in my mind..

luckily  i have my senior at that time .. he was the 2nd photographer for the weddings
i asked him to continue the outdoor session.. while i try to pretend everything was ok..
i have make few call's to asked what should i do..
and mostly said dont turn it on for a few days... blow with the dryer.. and bla bla bla

photo memories with d300

after quite a while...
it was kind of miracle in my view...
in my logic the camera and the memory card suppose to be broken..
but when i turn it on back nothing happened..
and so i continue to shoot as usual...
thumbs up to d80 for the tough body ...
not long after that i  sold it to a nice person from melaka..
he told me that he's still studiying at uitm melaka taking photography..
therefore i let the body slightly cheap..
and since he also didn't know the story behind hahaha
but what the most important thing is that the function of the body is not effected with the accident..

here i attached what should u do in case ur dslr drop into water
1) swith off and take off the battery...
2) make sure don't open the lens yet until the outer side dry..
3) take the blower and blow as much as u can to remove the sand
4) after u satisfied and check all the outer is dry take off the attached lens...
5) check whether the sensor and the shutter was exposed or not
6) if the answer is yes i recommended u to not do anything with u camera until u find the expertise to fix it

in my case i was totally desperate to use it.. i still have to do my outdoor session ..
furthermore i was totally insane to know what happened to my previous photo..
and what i did was just like kamikaze...

few of wedding photo at kemasik that was taken by me...

Happy Tearcher's Day!!!

16th May come again..
although i never give any gift's to my teacher's...
as i hold with what they said
Teachers never asked to be given  lavish gift . 
As long as appreciate with doa and getting the flying colours result in the exam.. 
*padahal kedekut hahaha
never forget all those things that happen in my life..
all those things start with 1 person ..
Cikgu... Teacher... Laoshi... Ustaz.. Ustazah... Lecturer
what ever it called...
I really appreciate what you have done for us
Im always grateful to all the teachers who have taught us
May Allah swt reward you with al-Jannah.
Selamat Hari Guru
Especially to all teacher's and lecturer's from..
Taski Abim Taman Kamariah
SK Gombak 1
SK Jalan Pasar 2
SRA Atauffiqiah
SMK Cochrane
Politeknik Premier Politeknik Ungku Omar
UiTM (Architecture, Planing and Survey Faculty)


Sunday 15 May 2011

Lelaki dibelasah perempuan sebab tolak buat "projek"

when i was walked in the "garden".. hehehe suddenly terjumpa lah ini video..
it was quite scary.. totally dont expect that the women can do like that..
i bet she was not drunk at that time... 
haishh cakap pun x gune lar 
try tgk video ni

gile comfirm pernah join WWF ni
yang lelaki tu starting layan jer
tetibe jer turn off dgn cikaro tu
maybe sebab cikaro tu dah malu kene dump kot..
tu yang terus buka bunga silat 
gile tak malu, kalau dump bodoh bleh tahan lagi..
ini kene dump time nak buat projek kot hoho
haish manusia oh manusia
moral of the story lelaki kalau tak nak kene belasah redha sudah hehehe...
just kiding =D..

pesanan ikhlas JAUHI ZINA!!!

Cuaca Panas....

ok its been a week dah rasa tak sihat...
sore throat .. flu.. fever.. headache.. ulcer semua dtg dalam pakej ...
adeh mmg bercinta aku ngan sofa ambik pakej ni...
24/7 melekat atas sofa mcm ape jer ...
ulcer dari besar 5 sen sampai lar 50 sen..
tp syukur alhamdulillah  kene time mcm ni..
try kene time exam.. mmg aku lukis diagram pakai air liur jer nanti...

btw if korg notice cuaca kat malaysia last week mmg panas..
serius rasa duduk dalam sauna ... cair habis lemak2
mandi kejap jer pun dah rasa melekit... gile x selesa..
sampai tahap rasa nak duduk dalam fridge jer...
memang selamat lar mak aku goreng buat lauk ngan ikan2 skali...

tapi dengan hati yang tabah aku tetap imagine dalam hati salji.. salji ..salji... 
*sambil tangan didada mata keatas...
eventhough technically doesnt change anything
but i believe more or less it can be change mentally..

btw mesti korg tertanya2 kenapa fenomena ni berlaku...
ade  lar aku dengar pak cik ni cakap pasal ribut dari filipine
then sampai kat rumah dengan hati yang berkobar..
dan menukar suara dan watak menjadi detektif conan..
walaupun aku tau tu semua tak perlu ...
aku pun search lar ape yg pakcik tu cakap
owh baru aku tau ribut tu nama die ribut Aere..
ribut tropika yang meniup angin dari barat daya filipina ker negara kita..
hasilnya membawa kepada kurangnya jumlah taburan hujan dan cuaca yang kering..
bleh tahan ribut aere ni punye effect..


finally...  macam x percaya aq buat blog .... kan??
seriously i dont prefer to write and share things to strangers..
its just like u let ppl to read and judge who u are...
even on fb pun i dont quite share things i do...
mesti orang yang baca skrg cakap .. lar mcm bagus
*(walaupun aku tau xde org yg baca lol)
bukan ape... compare org yg share every single things in their life..
even nak berak pun update jugak..
mmg budget syahdu jer baca update mcm ni..
dont u think its quite annoying...
macam macam lar...
ade yang jenis suka berdrama ...
sometime small things can seem so much bigger..
sometime non existence things also can exist..
drama ppl = jerkkk...
never trust what u read...

hahaha see !!! now mest korg tgh baca aku ni jenis org mcm mana..
i really care what ppl think of me seriously....
tapi xde lar sampai x tido malam.. x de selera makan..
why should i care ???
through that u can muhasabah ur self...
ape aku punye salah.. betul ker ape aku buat...
we as a human being cant run away from weakness and mistake..

btw aku mcm x caya jer aq bleh type mcm ni... hehehe
nilar akibat kebosanan yg extreme..
gile bahagia sem break sampai lepas raya
mahu mati kegemukan aq kat rumah x de buat ape
at the moment x terfikir lg nak keje... (gile pemalas kan?? )
due to clash dgn survey camp bulan 6 ni...
aku decide lepas survey camp baru nak fikir...
roughly i can say this would be the new thing for me..
so dont bother to comment about the layout and the design..
im totally noob and dont have idea about it..
slow2 kayuh yer mak cik....